Study Hall

As we all know, Study Hall is for studying. Getting work done in a quiet, productive fashion. And usually that's how things work out. But not always! Here are some pictures of what really goes on in a study hall.

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Mrs. Gonwa's study hall works hard.



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These students in Mrs. Gonwa's study hall are so focused, they don't even notice the camera!


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Proof that Stephanie actually studies!



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On the day before Break, Mrs. Gonwa's study hall gets a little crafty. Elliot didn't want people knowing  he has such talents!


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Mrs. Gee's study hall notices the camera. You can't get anything past these kids!


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Mr. Hatfield's study hall, any given day of the year.



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Allie, Dani, and Kyle keep themselves occupied on a rather slow work day. By the way, Dani: Get that chair down!!


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Mike earns himself brownie points by reading Mr. Sawyer's "Popular Science" magazine! 


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Allie gets something done, but Dani just isn't into it today.


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Mr. Bloedel, filling in for Mr. Hatfield,  waits patiently as Amy and Jackie pause in their studies for a picture. 

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Jeremy, one of my roving photographers, apparently feels that he's not in enough pictures!

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Shawn is either waking up from a nap, or giving the photographer an inappropriate sign. 

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Mara has been avoiding the camera lately. Here, Amy "convinces" her to be in a picture. 

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Nate loves Mr. Hatfield's study hall (when Mr. Hatfield is absent)!

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Mr. Bloedel uses his vast knowledge to help Elliot.

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Ross is thoroughly confused on his history homework. And Caleb's enjoying it! 

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Cyndi takes some time to really get into her work.



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Group projects are popular in study hall (because the students get to leave the direct supervision of the classroom!).


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Katie and Amanda utilize the library to talk I mean, work together!



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